Our mission
With the spirit of Christ, our school practices whole-person education and give our students a balanced development on their spirituality, morality, intelligence, body, and group life.
We emphasize the development of our children’s potential, the cultivation of their abilities of self-management and self-learning, and the nurturance of positive values.
We are determined to establish a harmonious working environment to allow our teacher to work optimally and cooperatively. Besides, we collaborate with family and community to provide a loving and happy growing environment for our students.
Organizational Structure and Administration

Our Team
“Train up a child in the way he should go,
and even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

The Methodist Church, Hong Kong’s school
Chinese School Name | English School Name | Category | School Tel | School Address |
炮台山循道衛理中學 | Fortress Hill Methodist Secondary School | 中學 | 2510 7688 | 香港北角炮台山道19號 |
葵涌循道中學 | Kwai Chung Methodist College | 中學 | 2745 0010 | 新界葵涌麗瑤邨 |
李惠利中學 | The Methodist Lee Wai Lee College | 中學 | 2427 9121 | 新界葵涌葵盛圍葵葉街2-4號 |
沙田循道衛理中學 | Sha Tin Methodist College | 中學 | 2606 3855 | 新界沙田新田圍欣圍樓地下 |
循道中學 | Methodist College | 中學 | 2384 3543 | 九龍油麻地加士居道50號 |
天水圍循道衛理中學 | Tin Shui Wai Methodist College | 中學 | 3156 2500 | 新界天水圍102區第四期(天富苑) |
衛理中學 | The Methodist Church HK, Wesley College | 中學 | 2896 7705 | 香港柴灣小西灣道33號 |
華英中學 | Wa Ying College | 中學 | 2760 7772 | 九龍何文田常和街8號 |
Chinese School Name | English School Name | Category | School Tel | School Address |
丹拿山循道學校 | Chinese Methodist School, Tanner Hill | 小學 | 2561 5822 | 香港北角百福道4號 |
亞斯理衛理小學 | The Methodist Church HK, Asbury Methodist Primary School | 小學 | 2742 9444 | 新界葵涌荔景邨第二校舍 |
循道學校 | Methodist School | 小學 | 2384 5970 | 九龍何文田衛理道12號 |
藍田循道衛理小學 | Lam Tin Methodist Primary School | 小學 | 2346 1033 | 九龍觀塘藍田平田邨安田街 |
馬鞍山循道衛理小學 | Ma On Shan Methodist Primary School | 小學 | 2630 9219 | 新界馬鞍山恆明街 11 號 |
北角循道學校 | North Point Methodist Primary School | 小學 | 2561 9693 2561 5312 | 香港北角百福道15號 |
北角衛理小學 | North Point Methodist Primary School | 小學 | 2570 3623 2571 3599 | 香港北角百福道2A號 |
沙田循道衛理小學 | Sha Tin Methodist Primary School | 小學 | 2636 6533 | 新界沙田廣源邨第三期五十三A區 |
將軍澳循道衛理小學 | Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School | 小學 | 2706 0770 | 新界 將軍澳65區唐俊街十五號 |
大埔循道衛理小學 | Tai Po Methodist School | 小學 | 2662 2011 | 新界大埔第九區棟樑路十號 |
天水圍循道衛理小學 | Tin Shui Wai Methodist Primary School | 小學 | 2448 0373 | 新界天水圍第三十一區第一期(天頌苑) |