親子閱讀- 語文/繪本借閱計劃Parent-Child Reading: Language/Storybook Lending Program
2023 年 6 月 1 日
2023 年 6 月 2 日


教具是無分級別的,家長可讓幼兒自行選擇, 希望透過不同的教具讓幼兒從發現,探索,嘗試,挑戰中 擴建學習興趣和能力。

歡迎家長於上學日的時間內借還。 家長自助借,自助還。


Parent-Child Teaching Aids Lending Program

Teaching aids are not categorized by levels; parents can allow children to choose freely. We hope that through various teaching aids, children can expand their learning interests and abilities through discovery, exploration, attempts, and challenges.

Parents are welcome to borrow and return items during school hours. It is a self-service borrowing and returning system.

You may borrow up to 2 items at a time, with each borrowing period lasting 7 days.